Illustrated arrows to show accelerated innovation

Acceleration services

Accelerate your innovation work with sprints that don’t feel exhausting. We take small steps to create big things.

Problem first

Problem first

Every loop starts with a problem or pain that would create value if solved.

1. Problem definition

1. Problem definition

The first step of any loop is to collaboratively define the problem and what value it might hold to solve.

2. Explore solutions

2. Explore solutions

Quickly ideate and prototype working solutions to the problem in order to (in)validate hypotheses.

3. Validate

3. Validate

Torchbox gives the tools needed to allow the client to run and validate experiments with the potential for ad-lib coaching as required.


Each loop creates value - even if that value may be that we’ve validated a direction is not worth pursuing or too risky.

Sprint + rest = progress

Sprint + rest = progress

We adopt a deliberate cadence that gives pause for incubation and validation as well as internal alignment. Every organisation is different, so we can work intelligently around your needs. This might be a 10 day sprint over two weeks followed by a three week pause, or it could equally be 10 days spread over five weeks with two sprint days per week.

Timelines to suit you

Our clients are active participants in Acceleration but we know you’ve full time jobs to be juggling too. Torchbox does all of the heavy lifting to avoid overburdening your internal resources. Our expectation from clients is to join 10 - 20 of any sprint, which over a 5 day sprint would equate to 0.5 - 1 day.

The 4 lenses of AI Innovation

Our AI accelerator focuses on 4 main lenses and we’ll test our hypothesis and assumptions around strategic fit, desirability, viability and feasibility through rapid experiments to validate learnings and minimise the risk.

The solution sweet spot is right at the centre.


We offer three Acceleration packages

Duration Price
1 day £3.5k
5 days £15k
10 days £24k

All packages will include an average of two Innovation team members per day with a max of three members at certain points in time.

You can find some examples, produced in various durations of sprint, on our projects page.

A placeholder image that is the color yellow" A placeholder image that is the color teal"

Get in touch about your project

It doesn't matter how early stage you are with your thinking we'd love to have a chat. Drop us an email or book something on Calendly.